Module 1: Introduction to the Accounting Profession
1.1 Historical Developments that have Shaped Accounting Practice
1.2: Professional and Ethical Standards
1.3: Practice Structures
1.4: Practice Entry Options
1.5: Market Trends Affecting Practice Owners
1.6: Practice Growth Opportunities
1.7: The Future of the Accounting Profession
1.8: Other Information to Consider
Module 2: APES 100 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
2.1 Introduction – Professional and Ethical Standards
2.2: APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including Independence Standards)
2.3: APES 110 Glossary
2.4: Scope and application
2.5: Section 100 – Complying with the Code
2.6: Section 120 – The Conceptual Framework
2.7: Section 200: Applying the Conceptual Framework – Members in Business
2.8: Section 300: Applying the Conceptual Framework – Members in Public Practice
2.9: Section 310: Conflicts of Interest
2.10: Section 320: Professional Appointments
2.11: Section 321: Second Opinions
2.12: Section 325: Objectivity of an Engagement Quality Reviewer and Other Appropriate Reviewers
2.13: Section 330: Fees and Other Types of Remuneration
2.14: Section 340: Inducements, Including Gifts and Hospitality
2.15: Section 350: Custody of Client Assets
2.16: Section 360: Responding to Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations
2.17: [AUST] Preface: Part 4A and Part 4B
2.18: Section 400: Applying the Conceptual Framework to Independence for Audit and Review Engagements
2.19: Section 405: Group Audits
2.20: Section 410: Fees
2.21: Section 411: Compensation and Evaluation Procedures
2.22: Section 420: Gifts and Hospitality
2.23: Section 430: Actual or Threatened Litigation
2.24: Section 510: Financial Interests
2.25: Section 511: Loans and Guarantees
2.26: Section 520: Business Relationships
2.27: Section 521: Family and Personal Relationships
2.28: Section 522: Recent Service with an Audit Client
2.29: Section 523: Serving as a Director or Officer of an Audit Client
2.30: Section 524: Employment with an Audit Client
2.31: Section 525: Temporary Personnel Assignments
2.32: Section 540: Long Association of Personnel (Including Partner Rotation) with an Audit Client
2.33: Section 600: Provision of Non-Assurance Services to an Audit Client
2.34 Section 800: Reports on Special Purpose Financial Statements that include a Restriction on Use and Distribution (Audit and Review Engagements)
2.35: Section 900: Applying the Conceptual Framework to Independence for Assurance Engagements other than Audit and Review Engagements
2.36: Section 905: Fees
2.37: Section 906: Gifts and Hospitality
2.38: Section 907: Actual or Threatened Litigation
2.39: Section 910: Financial Interests
2.40: Section 911: Loans and Guarantees
2.41: Section 920: Business Relationships
2.42: Section 921: Family and Personal Relationships
2.43: Section 922: Recent Service with an Assurance Client
2.44: Section 923: Serving as a Director or Officer of an Assurance Client
2.45: Section 924: Employment with an Assurance Client
2.46: Section 940: Long Association of Personnel an Assurance Client
2.47: Section 950: Provision of Non-Assurance Services to Assurance Clients other than Audit and Review Engagement Clients
2.48: Section 990: Reports that include a Restriction on Use and Distribution (Assurance Engagements other than Audit and Review Engagements)
Transitional Provisions
Module 3: APES 200 All Members
3.1: Introduction – APES 200 series of Standards
3.2: APES 205 – Conformity with Accounting Standards
3.3: APES 210 – Conformity with Auditing and Assurance Standards
3.4: APES 215 – Forensic Accounting Services
3.5: APES 220 – Taxation Services
3.6: APES 225 – Valuation Services
3.7: APES 230 – Financial Planning Services
Module 4: APES 300 Members in Public Practice
4.1: Introduction – APES 300 Series of Standards
4.2: APES 305 – Terms of Engagement
4.3: APES 310 – Client Monies
4.4: APES 315 – Compilation of Financial Information
4.5: APES 320 – Quality Management for Firms that provide Non-Assurance Services
4.6: APES 325 – Risk Management for Firms
4.7: APES 330 – Insolvency Services
4.8: APES 345 – Reporting on Prospective Financial Information prepared in connection with a Public Document
4.9: APES 350 – Participation by Members in Public Practice in Due Diligence Committees in connection with a Public Document
4.10: APES Guidance Notes applicable to all IPA Members (GN 20 series)
4.11: APES Guidance Notes applicable to IPA Members in Public Practice (GN 30 series)
Module 5: Statutory Registrations
5.1: Introduction – Statutory Registrations
5.2: Intellectual Property Protection
5.3: ASIC Registration Requirements
5.4: Tax Practitioner Board Registration - Introduction
5.5: Tax Practitioner Registration Requirements
5.6: Registration Exemptions
5.7: Maintaining your Registration
5.8: TPB information products
Module 6: Regulatory Compliance
6.1: Regulatory Compliance Overview – Financial Reporting and Auditing
6.2: Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
6.3: Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB)
6.4: Australian Auditing Standards Board (AUASB)
6.5: Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF)
Module 7: Professional Practice Program Co-regulatory Compliance
7.1: Introduction – The IPA Constitution
7.2: Introduction – The IPA By-Laws7.2: Introduction – The IPA By-Laws
7.3: IPA Pronouncements
7.4: IPA Quality Review Program (QRP)
7.5: Professional Standards Scheme
Module 8: Professional Practice Program The Strategic Business Plan
8.1: Introduction – Business Planning: Creating your Economic System.
8.2: The Business Mission Statement
8.3: SWOT Analysis
8.4: Focused Strategic Planning
8.5: Determine the Customer Value Proposition8.5: Determine the Customer Value Proposition8.5: Determine the Customer Value Proposition
8.6: Deliver the Product or Service Promise
8.7: Focused Strategic Planning Conclusion
8.8: Questions to consider for your Strategic Business Plan
Module 9: Professional Practice Program Financing Your Practice
9.1: Introduction
9.2: Establishing a new Practice or Purchasing an Existing Practice.
9.3 Start-up Factors for Consideration
9.4 Setting Goals Case Study – Start Right Accountants and Advisors
9.5 Cash-Flow Planning for the Sole Practitioner Start Up.
9.6: Buying a Practice Key Factors to Consider
9.7: Earned Value Practice Valuation Method
9.8: Due Diligence Check List
9.9: A Business Plan for Raising Finance.
Module 10: Professional Practice Program Staffing your Practice
10.1: Practice Culture
10.2: Employees vs. Contractors
10.3: Recruitment
10.4 Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)
10.5: Australian Workplace Laws and the role of the Fair Work Ombudsman
10.6: Staff Dismissal
Module 11: Professional Practice Program Marketing your Practice
11.1: Introduction – Marketing your Practice.
11.2: Identifying your Target Market Demographics.
11.3: Identifying your Market Place.
11.4: Seasonality and Timing of Buying Decisions.
11.5 The Buying Decision
11.6: Contemplating Options
11.7: Buyer Heuristics
11.8: Mapping the Marketing Campaign Activity
11.9: Marketing Investment Planning
Module 12: Professional Practice Program Cyber Security
12.1: Introduction – Cyber Security
12.2: Cyber Security Hygiene
12.3: Patching Microsoft Windows Operating Systems and all Applications
12.4: Running Anti Malware Software
12.5: Ensuring a Fully Functional Backup and Restore Process
12.6: Adopting Best Practice User Awareness
12.7: Overview – Landscape Threat
12.8: Overview – Email Phishing
12.9: Overview – Ransomware